New Year, Better Relationships
Most of us, including myself, often go from the “tis the season to be jolly” and the “giving is better than receiving” mindset to the self improvement “New Year, New Me” mode as soon as Jan 1 hits. Personal resolutions, growth, and goals are great and necessary. Most of us have them and it’s healthy. However now that we have had some time to focus on our personal resolutions, this year, I encourage you to consider adding resolutions that can strengthen relationships and help others. Self improvement is great and I have my own personal goals for 2023, but after reflecting, I’ve decided to add a few others that are less “me” focused. Here are some examples of resolutions to consider adding to your 2023 resolution list:
Compliment your spouse, child, parent, or coworker (privately or publicly) at least one per day.
Call a parent, sibling, family member, or friend daily
Send a gift to your spouse, child, parent, role model, or someone who helped me as a token of my appreciation once per month
Complete one house chore every day (vacuum, dishes, trash, laundry, etc)
Do something to help a coworker every workday
Compliment a stranger once per day
Stop participating in gossip or rumors and completely stop speaking negatively of others
Stand up for people when you hear others talking poorly about them or safely help prevent bullying when you witness it
Weight loss, more exercise, better diets, job promotions, and all of those other resolutions are important! Keep them! Work hard! Stay motivated! Just as important - Help others! Build relationships! Spread love and positivity!
Wishing a healthy and happy 2023,
Dr. Landen Green
Caravel Health DPC