
Dermasensor  is 97% accurate and helps determine which skin lesions need to be removed (melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma) versus those that can just be monitored. The cost is $50 per patient for up to 5 lesions. Like many services, this is our cost of using the device and the service is offered “at-cost” as an added value of your membership.  The technology, Elastic Scattering Spectroscopy (ESS), has been validated in 30+ publications on clinical studies. Many studies have shown ESS to provide information that is comparable to dermatologist (and in some cases performs better). 

Bruin Mental Health Assessment

This mental health assessment by a clinical psychologist at Bruin Health helps to obtain recommendations and options that may improve your mental health. This is available at no charge to members. We know mental health is as important as physical health.