Why I Chose Direct Primary Care

Story after story has hit my ears from my patients about their frustrations with the healthcare system. I would listen as they spoke of doctors who were rushed and only spending a few minutes speaking with them, after they waited 3 months for an appointment. I would hear tales of bills for hundreds of dollars coming six months after the appointment for healthcare the patient was not aware they received. My patients would share their desire for a connection with a doctor and their frustration with seeing a different doctor, or other provider, at every visit. This weighed heavily on me. As they spoke I realized, I was one of those doctors; my clinic was one of those clinics.

At the end of a long day in a medical clinic, a doctor can see anywhere from 20-50 patients. Out of these patients, almost zero receive the best possible care and few have a close relationship with their doctor. There is no time to form a connection, much less time to thoroughly review medical history, manage chronic diseases, or discuss current concerns. Then, time needs to be allocated to document the visit in a way that allows the next doctor to follow the plan and simultaneously fulfill insurance requirements for billing. This mismatch of time and responsibility to the patient saddened me. Despite the late nights reviewing medical charts, thoroughly documenting, and researching the symptoms and diseases of my patients, I felt they deserved more. They deserved better.

Patients deserve a relationship with their doctor. An individual’s mind, body, spirit, and health is deeply personal. It shouldn’t be a rushed discussion with a different stranger every time help is needed. A doctor and a patient should have a close, authentic, personal relationship.

Patients deserve easy access to medical care. Waiting three, six, or even one month to receive healthcare is not only inconvenient, but can be dangerous and lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment. A patient deserves to be able to easily contact their doctor, when and where they need help, in a timely manner.

Patients deserve affordable and transparent healthcare. Charging a patient $200 for a $2 test, medication, or piece of medical equipment happens every day. Additional charges for visits rack up in healthcare as more people get involved who need more than their fair share of pay. Patients deserve to pay an honest price for services. They deserve to know how much their health care is going to be before the service happens… Not three-, six-, or nine months later surprising the patient after they have forgotten all about the appointment.

I chose to create Caravel Health because Direct Primary Care allows physicians to fulfill all of these aspects which patients deserve. Patient are allowed a personal relationship and direct access to their doctor. Patients have the ability to speak with their doctor on a days notice, after hours, weekends, holidays, or when they are away enjoying a vacation. Patients know the cost of medical services obtained from their doctor and are charged $2 for that $2 test, medication, or piece of equipment.

As much as I wish my decision was altruistic and only for my patient’s, there is a benefit for doctors too, myself included. Direct Primary Care is less lucrative, less stable, and running a business is hard work. But its worth it! Now, I have the privilege of building relationships with patients and knowing them as more than a number. I finally can work for my patients and not for a large healthcare system or insurance companies. I have the opportunity to create my own schedule and allot the necessary time my patients need so neither them nor I feel rushed. And, thankfully I have the support from my family and friends, and the guidance from doctors who have previously made the switch to Direct Primary Care.

Best in health,

Dr. Landen B Green


Personal Care


What is Direct Primary Care?