Personal Care

A colleague of mine recently told me an uncomfortably funny but true story. After seeing 25 patients in an 8 hour day, the doctor got off work late and too tired to go home and cook. So, she stopped at the grocery store to pick up her usual comfort meal of a frozen pizza, Diet Coke, and pint of Ben and Jerry’s. She talked herself out of getting a box of mini-donuts too. She’s standing in line when she hears a deep voice she did not recognize say “that’s a strange dinner for a family doctor!” She was very confused because she always takes off her white coat, badge, and stethoscope before going anywhere as she hates running into patients outside of the office. She double checked with her hands, and sure enough, nothing on her could clue she was a doctor. She turned to the stranger and asked the gentleman how on earth he knew she was a doctor. “Well, I just saw you in the office 5 mins ago. I was your last patient and came right over to pick up the medication you sent the pharmacy here,” said the man. The doctor still didn’t remember him, but of course laughed off the uncomfortable moment and added the mandatory “oh of course, I did not recognize you!” 

At Caravel Health, we KNOW our patients. We know their first name. We know the health. And we know their family because they are our family too! We love running into them outside of the office. We are able to provide personal relationships and direct access because instead of managing 4000-5000 patients, we only manage 500 at most! All of our appointments are scheduled to be 30 minutes to an hour with your doctor. That leaves more time to build those relationships and more time to help you understand your health. If your doctor cannot even remember who you are when they bump into you right after your appointment, what else are they not remembering about you care? If you are ready for a doctor who knows you and a healthcare model that is more personal with relaxed, never rushed visits, that allow you to spend more time with your doctor and less time in the waiting room, please schedule your 15 minute meet and greet today and I will answer all your questions to make sure Caravel Health is the right choice for you and your family. 

Part 2 (convenience) and Part 3 (affordable) coming soon! 

Best in health,

Dr Landen Green


Convenient Care


Why I Chose Direct Primary Care